A Charlie Brown Christmas December 1 &1 The classic animated television special, A Charlie Brown Christmas, comes to life in this faithful stage adaptation in which Charlie Brown, Snoopy and the rest of the Peanuts gang discover the true meaning of Christmas. Holiday Dishing! December 12-15 Look no further for a welcome break from holiday baking, decorating and shopping! Back by popular demand, River Region actors/ directors Adrian Bush and Kim Mason along with Depot Artistic Director Kristy Meanor collaborate on some serious Holiday Dish(ing). This year they are glazing the balls and raising the roof for the Depot! Grab all your besties for a perfect Girl’s Night Out at the Wetumpka Depot Players. This interactive production offers stories, games, prizes and music of the season for the final 2024 Depot production! Perfect for your book club, office party or GNO with your besties. Three shows only – December 12,13 and 15 Depot Membership Coming Soon for Season 45!
Your community theatre is currently raising funds to replace our 25 year old roof. Any amount is appreciated! Donors at the $100 or more level will be listed on our recognition lobby plaque at the end of the project!
Thank you for supporting the River Region's oldest community theatre!